NJBIZ, the state’s weekly business paper and the New Jersey League of Municipalities honored The Land Conservancy of New Jersey in the Public Private Partnership Awards for the Floodplain Protection and Blueway Design in Bergen County.
This event was established to honor and recognize unique public private partnership programs that showcase innovative and practical approaches to, and notable successful examples of, government and private sector partnerships that achieve public benefits.
The Land Conservancy’s award-winning program acquires flood damaged properties, removes structures and permanently preserves the lands for recreation and conservation purposes. This Blueway program empowers the county to take the lead in ensuring the most vulnerable homes are removed keeping residents and emergency responders from harm’s way. In its’ place, a meaningful, safe, open space amenity is created for the residents of the community.
Bergen County has hired The Land Conservancy to prepare municipal Flood Acquisition Plans to document local impacts from flood events and identify project areas for acquisition based upon repetitive, ongoing flooding. The Land Conservancy has completed six plans with an additional seven plans to be completed in the next year. A direct outcome of this work is the purchase and removal of homes, which is successfully underway in Oakland Borough with the fifth home acquired this year, following completion of the plan in 2014.