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Kate Munning

2018: A Year in Review

2019 is upon us and as we close out 2018, we thought we’d look back and provide a recap of this year’s land closings through a year in review.

2018 was a busy year as we helped preserve 11 properties totaling 2,867.42 acres of land. In a year’s time, we helped provide enough open space to fit New York City’s Central Park 3.5 times.

How important is open space? We often take for granted a lot of our forests, meadows, farmland and wetlands. These natural areas not only help our environment, but supports our way of life.

For instance, according to Cornell University, a 50-year-old oak forest sequesters 30,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per acre. If the acreage we preserved in 2018 was an oak forest, it would be equivalent to removing the emissions of approximately 7,630 automobiles.

Additionally, the clean air emitted from this forest would be over 61 million pounds of oxygen. Or, a one year supply of oxygen for 50,400 people – enough to supply twice the amount of a small New Jersey town such as Mahwah or Hackensack.

But, not every property we help preserve are always dense forestland. We’ve helped preserve important working farms that helps support the local economy of each respective community. Some of these farms have been owned and operated by multi-generation families that provide hay as feed to local livestock owners, such as Dark Moon Farm in Warren County.

This property has been with the Pittenger family since 1944 and is currently owned and operated by Ron and Sharon Pittenger. Three generations of the family currently reside on the property.

In Hope Township, also in Warren County lies Buckaloo View Farm where five generations of the Maertens family have called the property home. The great-granddaughter of the original owner, Patty Maertens, and her daughter, Liesl, wish to bring the farm back to life by running a sustainable and diverse farm with goats, sheep and alpaca that Liesl will use for fiber production. In turn, through these natural fibers, she produces yarn products that are hand spun and hand dyed. The natural dyes she uses are from vegetables grown on Buckaloo View Farm.

From forestland to farmland, we’ve enjoyed preserving over 2,800 acres of property in 2018 and look forward to what 2019 brings. We hope your new year will be just as promising.

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